Archive for planes

Akkad: “The media runs the world. No tanks or planes.”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on November 17, 2008 by Nur Meryem Seja


I met producer Moustapha Akkad at his Century City office March 26, 2002. Among many subjects, we talked about Jewish control of the media.

Moustapha: “The media runs the world. Absolutely. No tanks or planes. The media and the public companies. This is what The Protocols of [the Learned Elders of] Zion [is all about].

“The Zionists, last century, were persecuted in Europe. So they immigrated to the United States. They had a target. They were united. And they did not permit [statements] critical of Zion. They went all the way to control the world and to control the minds of the people through the media. There’s a lesson to learn from them.

“They have control of the media here. We know it. They did not do it through tanks or machine guns. They planned of course. They united. Did you see Pat Buchanan’s book [The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization]? He makes sense.”

Luke: “Yes, he’s a sharp guy. He doesn’t mind telling it like it is, no matter how controversial.”

Moustapha: “There is a red line if I get into the issue of Israel but the Jews, like everyone else, wants to make money. Hollywood is not ethnic. There’s English, Irish, Spanish, French, Roman…”

Luke: “But movie and TV producers are 70% Jewish.”

Moustapha: “Yes. The studios are. That control is Continue reading